''Kleinruppin forever'' is a German romantic comedy film, released in late-2004. The film is set in 1985 and stars Tobias Schenke as Tim Winter, a West German teenager from Bremen with aspirations of being a professional tennis player. On a school trip to East Germany, Tim meets his identical twin brother Ronny (also played by Tobias Schenke). Ronny switches places with Tim, forcing Tim to experience life and love in East Germany. The film can be seen as part of the Ostalgie movement, similar to the films ''Good Bye Lenin!'' (2003) and ''Sonnenallee'' (1999), which look back nostalgically at life in East Germany. ==External links== *(Official site ) * 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Kleinruppin Forever」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク